Monday, December 31, 2007

On Going (Eternally Revised) Lecture, Sermon, Speech etc.

Passion....what is your passion?
Do you have something you desire?
Something at your core, that says "This is who I am"
Hate, Love, Greed, Self-Centered, Caring, Compassion, Teacher, Logical, Creative etc.
The list could go on forever, it could be a mash up of multiple things, whatever it is find it. It could be hate, for those with this I pray you start to question your passion. It could be teaching, for those I applaud.
For some it could change often, for those I say find your core.
For some it could be nothing, for those I pray harder.

We all should have something we are passionate about, something that drives us, something that says "ultimately this is who I am". The discovery of this can be deep contemplation or more often found in the things we do everyday.

Revision coming soon.....

Moment 12/31/07

Current Reading: Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and Church Dogmatics: A Selection by Karl Barth
Current Music: Mellisa, The Allman Brothers Band
Sounds: ESPN in the background
Sights: Blue Wall
Thoughts: New Year, New Beginning...."A turtle never makes any progress unless he sticks his neck out to go forward."

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Sorry folks for the long intermission. Life has been crazy hectic lately as I am making some huge decisions for my life. So I needed some time away to reflect. But as I was talking to a friend the other day I was telling her how most men internalize things too much and that my release was writing. So I am back and back with a vengeance.

I am currently reading Unchristian which is a very good book if you like statistics (which I do). Pick it up if you get a chance.

Other than that I am blessed to have such great friends and family around me to help me sort through my decision process and help guide me. To them and all of you I am grateful.