Monday, December 31, 2007

On Going (Eternally Revised) Lecture, Sermon, Speech etc.

Passion....what is your passion?
Do you have something you desire?
Something at your core, that says "This is who I am"
Hate, Love, Greed, Self-Centered, Caring, Compassion, Teacher, Logical, Creative etc.
The list could go on forever, it could be a mash up of multiple things, whatever it is find it. It could be hate, for those with this I pray you start to question your passion. It could be teaching, for those I applaud.
For some it could change often, for those I say find your core.
For some it could be nothing, for those I pray harder.

We all should have something we are passionate about, something that drives us, something that says "ultimately this is who I am". The discovery of this can be deep contemplation or more often found in the things we do everyday.

Revision coming soon.....

1 comment:

Dawn71 said...

The key is to make it last and to shine in the presence of others.

Don't call it a "New Years Resolution"...or a laundry list of things to do. Life is not a fad.

Looking forward to your revisions.