Wednesday, May 9, 2007

What does $456 billion buy?

When the Iraq War first started I was all for the liberation of oppressed people and taking out Saddam Hussien even though it was under perceived false pretenses. But now it is dragging on too long. Some say Americans live in a "Now" society in which we want everything now and for this reason we think the war is dragging on too long. Well this could be the case. Or it could be that nobody really has an answer to Iraq and think throwing more money and manpower will do the trick. I don't normally sit on the fence on issues but in this case I must. I, as well as the majority of Americans, do not know what is going on in Iraq other than spending boat loads of money and people dying. Give me a plan, give me some results, give me a perceived future of Iraq and then I can make an opinion. Right now it is just a big mess.

Check out what $456 Billion could do....

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