Monday, September 10, 2007

Global Walmart

IU article on Walmart in Mexico link here

"They failed in Germany and South Korea, for example, and they're having difficulty in Japan and the United Kingdom," Biles said. "They've also had difficulty competing with China's state-owned supermarkets, and they have yet to gain entry to India. The Wal-Mart model is not universally appreciated. Mexico is still their only international success."

I wonder why? Could it be that "mom and pop" stores are more valuable to their culture and history than low prices and big box convenience.

Also see this link on music and walmartization.


Dawn71 said...

Sure, Mexico is doing well thanks to NAFTA. What about all the manufacturing that has left the U.S.? Where are all the incentives to keep our manufacturing companies here? By demanding low prices, the American people are turning away from all the small stores that have to charge a little more. They don't get the same cost as the giant chains. What does that say about our values here? That's what we get for letting our Government sell our souls!

Will said...


I share you exact sentiments. We will soon find out the error of our ways when we only have a few choices when we purchase or do things.