Tuesday, August 28, 2007

80 vs. eternity

"Only one life, 'twill soon be past; Only what's done for Christ will last."

For arguments sake let's say a full and healthy life is 80 years. You have 80 years on this earth to do as you please, 80 years to waste or 80 years to enjoy. After those 80 years are up you have an eternity somewhere else. Now let's say the person you spend eternity with will know how you spent your 80 years. He will know if you spent it chasing fruitless dreams, giving into every desire, or worshiping something other than you were called to worship. How will you feel when you enter eternal life and great your Creator? What will you tell when he asks, "What did you do with the 80 years I gave you?"

This isn't a call to go stand on a street corner professing Christ (although if that is your thing more power to you). This is a call to evaluate your 80 years. Evaluate what truly matters in the eyes of God. Be honest and remember you have 80 years here, but an eternity somewhere else, make this life fruitful and productive.

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