Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Next Thing

The article about "The Next Church" got me thinking. What is your "next" thing. Next requires us to no longer think/live in the present but in the future. Always thinking about what is coming or going next. I do not think this is very healthy to do. While planning is fundamental, it should not consume us. We can't control the next no matter how hard we try. So why do we long for something we can't control nor can foresee. Are we that miserable in our current place; that uncomfortable? I know there is a longing in everyones heart they can't explain and until they fill that void they will be uncomfortable; always going to the next thing to see if it fits. Why not stand still for a second and listen, really listen to what your heart is calling for and it isn't the newest self help book, life track, ipod, flat-screen TV, car, or house. Are you defined by what you consume or what consumes you? Go pray, walk, ride, just get out and listen. Listen for that calling, you won't hear it sitting in front of your T.V., computer, or radio. Go be alone, quite and listen.

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