Monday, August 27, 2007

Speaking of Changes

Why is it changes and transitions are always the hardest thing. Choices to make, things to prepare for, things to do. It seems when we come to the final product (the result of the change) we are usually satisfied. But why do we detest the journey; the meat and potatoes of the change?

We like the new job but hate the job hunting process, we like the new house but hate the looking at all the houses, we like the new clothes but hate the shopping (well maybe some of us). So here we are on a venture that should have a great end result but the journey is a thorn in our side. I feel we should embrace the journey it will not only teach us valuable lessons, but also make the final product that much sweeter.

I know the end result of change is not always sweet. There is change involved in death, losing a job, turmoil in a marriage or family, financial hardship etc. and the end result of this change may be a bitter pill to swallow. But in this moment you must embrace the process, be introspective, find out what you are made of, and most of all have Faith. What good will it do you if you learn nothing about why you went through the financial hardship or why death occurs. You rob yourself and others of the important emotions, anguish and knowledge that is inherent in this process and most of all there is a high probability you might need these skills during the next change.

Lastly, in all change you must trust God. You must trust that He has your best interests in His heart. That your prayers are being heard although not answered exactly as you want. If you laughed all the time, would it have the same meaning? If God gave you sunshine everyday would it really make you smile? Enjoy the days in the sun, reflect in the hard times and know that in the end you will enjoy the rewards of a great relationship with the Lord.

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